World water news: COP29 concludes

As COP29 concludes, we highlight perspectives and takeaways from experts on the ground — plus recommendations for immediate actions before the end of the year.
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Sustainability spotlight: Umm Al Emarat Park sets a new standard

We are proud to announce a new partnership with Umm Al Emarat Park, an iconic space in Abu Dhabi where families, nature, culture and sustainability converge.
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The future of the blue economy: Insights from Finance Middle East

A1RWATER was featured in the November issue of Finance Middle East, in an article highlighting the rise of the blue economy and its $3 trillion potential.
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What if water wasn’t just a resource — but your next competitive advantage?

On Beyond the Bottom Line, A1RWATER Americas CEO Pete Carr and COO Ryan Bibbo share how air-to-water technology is reshaping resilience for today’s businesses.
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World water news: The global economics of water

In October, the economics of water captured global attention, as leaders and economists spotlighted essential steps — and the urgency required — to build a resilient, water-secure future.
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